【同义词辨析】 2018-05-22 负责responsible-liable

responsible: implies the holding of a specific or formal office, duty, or trust: the bureau ~ for tax collection.

answerable: suggests a relationship between one having a moral or legal obligation and an authority charged with oversight of its observance: a fact-finding committee ~ only to the President. (注意遵守是observance不是observation观察)

accountable: suggests the imminence of retribution for unfulfilled trust or violated obligation: in a democracy the politicians are ~ to voters.

amenable: stresses the fact of subjection to review, censure, or control by a designated authority and a limitation of power: laws are ~ to judicial review. 法律要接受司法审核。

liable: implies an obligation under the law to answer in case of default: will not be ~ for his ex-wife's debt; OR may suggest merely a contingent obligation: all citizens ~ for jury duty.

responsible负责: 指持有正式明确职位职责委托,answerable: 负有法律道德义务的人和监督者的关系,accountable负责问责: 强调如果违反委托义务,会被立刻惩罚,amenable: 强调接受审查评判控制(subjection to...),效力有限,liable: 法律规定的缺席义务; 或只是可能的义务(contingent: 可能但不确定)

记忆方法: 1) RAAAL: AAA想成三座山,LR想成left-right左右==>保护责任

          2) 负责的意思是需要述职被问责, 提交报告mean subject to an authority that may hold one to account.(account多义词,这里表示问责报告)